Friday, February 13, 2009

What a day yesterday!

Opened the morning paper to find a former professor, a fellow poet and a really cool man had died. Keith Wilson was an extraordinary poet and a good person. I am so very glad I had the chance to meet him and to be supported by him, to have him teach and befriend me. Goodbye, dear one.

So much happened yesterday, one of those days when you just go from here to here and you don't know if you're accomplishing anything. I had a Bible study to go to, packing the U-Haul truck, two parent-teacher conferences at two different high schools about 20 miles apart, more packing the U-Haul, another meeting at the Small Business Development Center--whew!

Today I have to fax my application for this apartment and make a bear for someone and read and write and start cleaning the house because it's time to go.

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